Call Center Outsourcing - Cebu Philippines
The upsurge of call center outsourcing companies in the Philippines is satisfying many areas of the national economy, mainly the country's employed people (and even the job seekers) and the business investors. The BPO industry of the Philippines has brought about profitable investments and has greatly contributed to the country's economic growth.
News reports have confirmed that Philippines—specifically in Manila and Cebu—is now on the list of Top BPO Destinations, yielding large revenues and raising employment rates.
With this, Cebu City has taken action to better the BPO (business process outsourcing) industry's manpower by conducting trainings for students.
The training programs are directed towards university students, improving their communication skills and fluency in speaking English to make them better qualified to work for a BPO company.
The programs are well supported by the Cebu City government, allocating a budget for the trainings and partnering with other organizations to facilitate more aid for the call center companies.
Call Center Philippines now surpasses India in providing voice-based services and is applying technological and systematic innovations to top the spot for knowledge-based services as well.
About the Author
Publish on 02/15/2012
is a freelance copywriter, with majority of her work focusing on the outsourcing industry.
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